Sunday 18 January 2015

Parties, Happiness and Hangovers

So last week was a depressing post, it was about the battles I have had with my health, food, weight and body image, but todays post will be about parties; specifically those with college students, alcohol, fights, tears and sex.

Okay, so I, myself have been too quite a few parties, and at those parties a lot has happened. Before I talk about it I would just like to say don't drink unless you have permission from your parents, it can be dangerous in excessive amounts and it can give you the most embarrassing of memories. So, there are obviously different types of personality's; you have the happy drunk, the person who always smiles, is jolly, who tries to make everyone laugh or they do laugh at the most littlest of things, the sad drunk, the one who is upset at everything, they cry all the time, the angry drunk, the one who flips out, who fights with everyone, the horny one, the one who is being really flirty, who wants to just have sex and kiss everyone. Chances are you know one of these, or you know more of these personality's or you are one of these or you are all of them. We have probably all been one of these personality's, I know I have. I have been really happy, smiley and carefree, I have been angry I once punched one of my closest friends and bit my ex, but in my defence they were being dickheads, I have been so upset that I have cried and cried and cried and I have also been in that mood where I just want a kiss and sometimes more. The point is that alcohol can make you feel all kinds of emotions, and sometimes embarrassing things will happen, for instance once I snap chatted a boy from my high school, who I admit I thought was hot as the burning sun, and in the morning I realised this and couldn't get onto my college coach because I was embarrassed, the moral is that whatever happens you just have to embrace it and learn from it and just enjoy life because everyone has a life but not everyone lives it.

So hangovers, they are nasty little buggars, they can just cause you to stay in bed all day doing nothing, like now I am currently tired, writing this post whilst watching series 1 of Pretty Little Liars on Netflix. Apparently orange juice is good at getting rid of hangovers, eating food is, or just relaxing not doing anything, which is what I think is the best thing in the world.

This was just a post about the different personality's of drunk people, and hangovers. Maybe next time I will write about my highs and lows at being at parties and drinking :P If you think there are other personality's that the average drunk person takes over comment them below, also comment which personality you possess, and we will have a laugh about all of the stories that make us want to forget the night before , that make us cringe at events that took place, that make us wish we drunk more or less than we did. see you next week.

love yours truly
KatyNells xoxo

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